Monday, September 24, 2007


So, the bids for October were released last week. Looks like I slid in under the bar here in Houston. I got the last relief line for October. This is huge for me. Not only will I have more of a set schedule for the foreseeable future, but Ill be able to pick up open time on my days off to supplement my income. For example, lets say I am sitting around on a Tuesday with nothing to do, and I see in open time a day trip worth 6 hours. I can call scheduling, pick up the trip, and as long as my total line value is above 75 hours to begin with I get paid the 120+ bucks for the trip. what it comes down to is the fact that I have alot more control over how much I make, and when and how much I fly.....Its good news. I paid my dues on reserve. 5 Months on reserve and I am pretty much ready to move on to life as a lineholder.


Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed your blog but it looks like you are too busy in your career and has not been able to update it for almost 2 months now!

Or, maybe, you decided to kill it and forgot to cancel it with Blogger. That would be a pitty since, so far, it has been very good reading.

All the best.

Anonymous said...

If you consider 5 months on reserve "paying your dues" you are doing well! How about 5 years! Not unheard of in this industry.
