Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ten miles.....not necessarily in the air either

So todays been a pretty good day so far. I started the morning off with a ten mile run in downtown Washington DC. The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Miler was organized to benefit the childrens miracle network, and with over 10000 strong in the race it was a huge success. This weekend was the peak of the blossoms, so downtown was packed with tourists, but we managed to run a ten mile course weaving through the streets of dc and over the memorial bridge, and then back down rock creek parkway to finish up along side the Potomac River. I finished at a respectable 1 hour 53 minutes. Not bad for a "clydesdale".....

I am at the airport now killing time before my afternoon flight. The weather is absolutely gorgeous and the winds are light. Its going to be a great day to fly. I have my jamaican buddy scheduled for some airwork and landings so we will see how it goes.

This morning i kept myself amused while running by watching the jets depart from DCA. They were in a north operation and were climbing out right overhead, while keeping the east bank of the potomac to their right. Prohibited areas over the capitol, mall, and white house make it an interesting departure for most airliners out of DCA. The arrival into national is even better from the north. In good weather the jets will fly the River Visual to rwy 19. Some of the smaller RJ's or turboprops might take a straight in to rwy 15 or 22. I highly suggest stopping by gravelly point and checking it out sometime. For aviation buffs its a good time.


Bob said...

Hey Sean,

I was there today too after doing my spin air work with Adam Cope. At DCA they have a lot of great public viewing areas up close and personal, especially between terminals B and A. A has a museum and a great vantage point for RWY 1 arrivals.

ERJ Driver said...

how did you like the spins? i did mine in 2AV. a good time.