Monday, September 24, 2007
So, the bids for October were released last week. Looks like I slid in under the bar here in Houston. I got the last relief line for October. This is huge for me. Not only will I have more of a set schedule for the foreseeable future, but Ill be able to pick up open time on my days off to supplement my income. For example, lets say I am sitting around on a Tuesday with nothing to do, and I see in open time a day trip worth 6 hours. I can call scheduling, pick up the trip, and as long as my total line value is above 75 hours to begin with I get paid the 120+ bucks for the trip. what it comes down to is the fact that I have alot more control over how much I make, and when and how much I fly.....Its good news. I paid my dues on reserve. 5 Months on reserve and I am pretty much ready to move on to life as a lineholder.
Friday, August 31, 2007
So, I finished my trip Wed, and Thurs morning I was on the 710 to IAH to look for an apartment. I was lucky enough to get a window seat, but unlucky enough to have a person right next to me. I was out of uniform, but had my badge, however it is interesting to see the difference in the way I am used to being treated compared to how I was treated yesterday. When I am in uniform I am given an extra ouce of courtesy, a free bottle of water, a nod in the terminal by passing pilots, a free headset on the flight, etc. Out of uniform its a whole different world. I almost felt as though the gate agent was initially annoyed that she had to deal with me.....nevber felt that in uni....oh well.
On a positive note I did find a place. Not the newest, not the most "hip", but its clean, and safe, and the price was right. I initially tried to do it alone, but quickly realized that was impossible unless I wanted to pay market price. I stopped at an apartment finders office and within an hour I was putting pen to paper on a lease. And it didnt cost me a dime. Anyone who needs help finding a place in Houston go see Jamie at texas apartment locators.....Shes great.
Anyways, that is all for now. I drive down sept 8.
On a positive note I did find a place. Not the newest, not the most "hip", but its clean, and safe, and the price was right. I initially tried to do it alone, but quickly realized that was impossible unless I wanted to pay market price. I stopped at an apartment finders office and within an hour I was putting pen to paper on a lease. And it didnt cost me a dime. Anyone who needs help finding a place in Houston go see Jamie at texas apartment locators.....Shes great.
Anyways, that is all for now. I drive down sept 8.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Today was a short day.....Woke up in Buffalo to a gorgeous sunrise. I did my morning walkaround and was treated to a gorgeous sky. My first flight duties include opening all the access panels on the aircraft to look for who knows what. It is actually a TSA rule, and I have never found anything, but I do it daily. I made my way around the aircraft, looking closely at the skin or the plane, checking all the static wicks, checking the brake wear indicators...checking the tires for thread showing.....making the sure the engines are both there....and finally making sure the lights work. Its a routine by now, but one that I cant do half-a$$. I have found missing static wicks, tires that needed to be changed out, and a fuel leak from the number 1 engine. Always something as these aircraft get older.
We departed BUF and headed down to Newark. I had an hour to grab a coffee and a bananna and headed down to the gate to meet my new captain. Crew scheduling woke my original capt up at 430 to tell her that she was reassigned and was going to be leaving us. I got lucky as my new captain is a really nice guy. We sat in line in Newark waitin to go to Charleston SC. I think we were probably 20th or so in line for departure. The major airline at NEWARK has a large bank of departures that leave around 9 am so it was rush hour when we were set to leave. Once airborne it was a nice ride down the coast. We went out on the NEwark 7 Departure to white intersection, then to Salisbury VOR, down over FRanklin VOR and cleared direct to Charleston. Coming through 8k we had the field in sight. The capt anticipated a chop and drop for the visual appproach, so he slowed down below 250, dropped the gear, put in flaps 9 and opened the speed brakes. One below 200 knots we put in flaps 22 and were ready to accept a visual approach clearance. A "bug smasher" ahead of us said he couldnt see the field so the approach controller assumed we couldnt see it either, but since we were higher and on a steeper angle we were able to see down on the field fairly well. So, he gave us that clearance as we slowed to flaps 45 speed and configured to land. It worked out really nicely. I was impressed. Always something to learn on each leg.......My turn to fly tommorrow, then up to Halifax for a turn and home. Goodbye Newark...hello Houston.
We departed BUF and headed down to Newark. I had an hour to grab a coffee and a bananna and headed down to the gate to meet my new captain. Crew scheduling woke my original capt up at 430 to tell her that she was reassigned and was going to be leaving us. I got lucky as my new captain is a really nice guy. We sat in line in Newark waitin to go to Charleston SC. I think we were probably 20th or so in line for departure. The major airline at NEWARK has a large bank of departures that leave around 9 am so it was rush hour when we were set to leave. Once airborne it was a nice ride down the coast. We went out on the NEwark 7 Departure to white intersection, then to Salisbury VOR, down over FRanklin VOR and cleared direct to Charleston. Coming through 8k we had the field in sight. The capt anticipated a chop and drop for the visual appproach, so he slowed down below 250, dropped the gear, put in flaps 9 and opened the speed brakes. One below 200 knots we put in flaps 22 and were ready to accept a visual approach clearance. A "bug smasher" ahead of us said he couldnt see the field so the approach controller assumed we couldnt see it either, but since we were higher and on a steeper angle we were able to see down on the field fairly well. So, he gave us that clearance as we slowed to flaps 45 speed and configured to land. It worked out really nicely. I was impressed. Always something to learn on each leg.......My turn to fly tommorrow, then up to Halifax for a turn and home. Goodbye Newark...hello Houston.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Im back
I apologize for my absence. Ive been a pretty busy guy. Crew scheduling has kept me busy, flying anywhere between 80 and 100 hours a month. I have about 400 hours of jet time now, and am finally comfortable enough in the jet to make the easy stuff easy, and the challenging stuff doable. My captains have been very willing to add assitance and advice when I ask them. Like they told us in training, come to work with a smile on your face, a dream in your heart and a willingness to learn and you will be fine. I have taken that to heart. I am extremely happy with my choice of employer, and for once in my life I am in a great position to make positive steps forward in a career I love. I decided to base change, and move to Houston so that I can live in base, and afford to do so. Houston is pretty cheap, and I can get into a one bedroom apartment near the airport for not a lot of cash.
Today we did 4 legs, I flew us from BWI to EWR, then up to BUF. Great weather to fly in the northeast today. We picked up the airport from about 20 miles out. at 25 miles I was coming through 8000 ft and cleared direct to the outer marker for the visual approach. Those are some of the hardest approaches to do in the jet. I did some quick math and decided we were mildly high so called for flaps 9. For some reason we really werent that high, nor were we fast. I am still trying to figure out drag devices in unusual situations. Needless to say I got too savvy and overshot the final. Then got high and unspooled( a little) on final. So, I ended up diving down to recapture the glide. It all worked out in the end, but thats one example of situations where I am still learning. You cant learn if you dont make mistakes, right? Tommorrow we head back to Newark, and then down to Charleston SC. Its a long overnight so Ill need to find a way to kill some time. hopefully we have good weather......
Today we did 4 legs, I flew us from BWI to EWR, then up to BUF. Great weather to fly in the northeast today. We picked up the airport from about 20 miles out. at 25 miles I was coming through 8000 ft and cleared direct to the outer marker for the visual approach. Those are some of the hardest approaches to do in the jet. I did some quick math and decided we were mildly high so called for flaps 9. For some reason we really werent that high, nor were we fast. I am still trying to figure out drag devices in unusual situations. Needless to say I got too savvy and overshot the final. Then got high and unspooled( a little) on final. So, I ended up diving down to recapture the glide. It all worked out in the end, but thats one example of situations where I am still learning. You cant learn if you dont make mistakes, right? Tommorrow we head back to Newark, and then down to Charleston SC. Its a long overnight so Ill need to find a way to kill some time. hopefully we have good weather......
Monday, May 28, 2007
advise ready to copy....
We departed Jackson Mississippi on a routine flight to Houston. We took off with a concern for our landing weight so we opted for a lower altitude to get a better fuel burn and make sure we were below Max gross landing weight when we reached Houston. As luck would have it we couldnt have had enough fuel on board. ATC advised us that Houston arrivals were holding and we could slow it up as much as possible. A huge thunderstorm was hammering the field as we approached it. We were given the dreaded, "Jetlink, I have holding instructions, advise ready to copy." We held at an intersection on the arrival, about 100 miles from the airport. We held as long as we could before we (along with everyone else) was forced to divert for fuel. We chose Alexandria, LA. It was my leg so I prepared for a visual approach to the south runway. A routine landing and a load of gas, and we were on our way. Sure enough we held for another 20 minutes, before being released from the hold and sent through some nasty weather and onto a downwind for 8L at Houston. I shot the ILS to near mins with rain and mist. It was a real challenge.
Anyhow, moral of the story is, during thunderstorm season, dont leave any gas behind, and make sure your weather radar is working properly. Lesson learned.
Anyhow, moral of the story is, during thunderstorm season, dont leave any gas behind, and make sure your weather radar is working properly. Lesson learned.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Choo Choo
Sitting in Chatanooga Tenn waiting for my 230 van ride to the airport. We arrived last night around 10pm....15 minutes early. We touched down on runway two...flew a nice visual approach in night conditions. It was the captains leg, which was fine with me. I was exhausted. It was a 5 leg day. The only thing that made life easier was that we kept the same aircraft all day, so no lugging my bags around all over the terminal. We started with a brownsville turn. Then it was up to Mobile. Thunderstorms were once again all over so we picked our way through them. The arrival back into Houston was intense. The frequency was so busy, and I think I counted 12 guys in front of us between the two runways. We were put on a 40 mile final. Fun stuff. Its nice to be able to fly into the relaxed atmosphere of a class c or d airport, and then come home and mix it up with the big guys. You have to be on your A game or you will get a stiff tounge lashing by the controllers. Its always funny to hear, unless its you.
Today we leave KCHA at 330 back to Houston. Then its down to Saltillo Mexico for the overnight. Mexico is fun to fly into, but Saltillo is a "special" airport so itll have to be the captains leg untilI get off high mins. Ill get my 100 hours and off high mins within a week so I am not worried. Until then........
Today we leave KCHA at 330 back to Houston. Then its down to Saltillo Mexico for the overnight. Mexico is fun to fly into, but Saltillo is a "special" airport so itll have to be the captains leg untilI get off high mins. Ill get my 100 hours and off high mins within a week so I am not worried. Until then........
Thursday, May 10, 2007
On the Road
Ok, so at last an update. Finished IOE last week. Did a trip out of Houston. It included a pretty low ILS at Jackson, Miss. A really fun visual approach to Little Rock, and a trip to Mexico. I started reserve this past Tuesday in Houston. I was originally assigned Newark, but got switched to Houston for May. No problem, the flying is just as fun. The first day was a deadhead to Nashville. We grabbed a plane from there and headed up to Newark, then down to Raleigh for an overnight there. We left Raleigh and flew up to Cleveland, down to Knoxville and back to Houston. Then we headed to Kileen Texas for an overnight. What a great night flight. A light show like I havnt seen in a while from 18000 ft. We snuck in just before the heavy stuff started on the field. Kileen is also Ft Worth regional. Alot of military aircraft in the pattern this morning. Interesting. Today we started the day by heading back to Houston. Then we were down to Monterey Mexico for a quick turn back up to Houston. When we sent the in range report in flight, I was notified that I would be headed to Wichita. Unfortunately it was a deadhead up to Kansas. So, here I sit. I have a 620 am showtime for a 720 departure back to Houston, where I will rejoin my original crew. I guess they needed someone to bring an airplane back to Houston. The original crew must be tight on flight times.
Reserve is rough. You dont know your flying schedule, and you never know where you will end up. So, you live out of a suitcase and put in your time. I should have a line in 2 or 3 months, and an easier commute when I am in Newark. Lets hope so.
Reserve is rough. You dont know your flying schedule, and you never know where you will end up. So, you live out of a suitcase and put in your time. I should have a line in 2 or 3 months, and an easier commute when I am in Newark. Lets hope so.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Ask and ye shall receive

So, I apologize for my absence and lack of activity on here. Its been a busy few weeks. I spent my 3 weeks off before IOE working the dispatch desk at the flight school. I finally got the call a couple weeks ago from crew scheduling. My first trip for IOE was a 3 day. day one was newark to detroit, back to newark, and back to detroit with an overnight in detroit. Day 2 was a short hop to cleveland, then to philly, then to cleveland, then down to Indy. An overnight in indy. Day three was a nice easy trip up to Newark, then a memphis turn. Its an absolute blast flying this aircraft. The weather was horrid though. The first trip was all snow, ice and wind. The following week was day trips with some more weather and most of all wind. I couldnt catch a break. So, needless to say I am still on IOE with emphasis on landings. The checkairman are very particular in what they want. On speed, on centerline, in the touchdown zone. Not too much to ask. So, I am almost there. Praying for some more good weather this week and some good trips to finish up strong. Most of my class is finished with IOE....all the Houston guys. I think i am the only newark guy and I am still working at it. oh well.
In the midst of my stress of training, this past week has been fairly traumatic for myself, as well as the entire country. The tragedy at Virginia Tech has had myself and alot of friends very upset. I spent many years in Blacksburg as a student and to see such a tragedy happen in a place that brought many of us so much joy is heartbreaking. Read below an email from a friend of ours who lives in Blacksburg. Its an unbeleivable read......
Saved by the blood
This means different things to people. We sometimes say that we were saved by the blood of Jesus when he died on the crossIt was about 9pm on April 16th, and Gil, Nell-Marie, Ellen and myself were in the hospital room in Roanoke. Gil said, Can I have a tissue theres blood inside my nose. We got him one, and as he cleaned the dried blood from inside his nose he said Its not my blood its from the guy who was on top of me.his blood was everywhere on my face, in my eyes, my nose, my mouth…it was all over.†He said that the reason he was not killed must have been “all that blood†that covered him. “He must have thought that I was already deadâ€. It was the blood of the student who had been seated behind Gil when it all started.I thought about Godfrey Birtle, a British singer we know, who wrote and sings a tremendous song titled, “If it wasn’t for the blood, I’d be dead!’ The recovering heroin addicts at Betel, in Birmingham, UK where our church goes and ministers to the guys and women who are living new lives in Christ know this song well! All of the residents there at Betel have overcome the odds of addiction and death…they exclaim, “If it wasn’t for the blood, I’d be dead!†And, they sing it with such passion…it’s difficult for us to recognize just how literally, they mean those words!Almost 12 hours to the minute before Gil asked for the tissue that night, the carnage began. It was Monday morning, April 16th, about 9:20 am, when Gil, the Professor, and 13 other graduate students were interrupted, (the class began at 9am) by someone who opened the wooden door to the classroom (a smaller room about 20’ by 30’ in size) and took up a “shooters†stance at the front of the room and began firing his semi-automatic 9mm pistol directly at students on the front row. He moved from his left to his right. Gil sat on the last chair in the front row, on the shooter’s right.Gil dove for the floor, at the side wall of the room, by a radiator. (This building was built in the 1950’s) He felt the student next to him dive for cover in the same way landing on top of him. Not fully covering Gil, but “scissored†across his body. The shooter emptied the first 15 round clip and ejected it, and inserted another one. He moved about the room shooting. Gil felt a bullet strike the guy on top of him…then he felt some searing pain in his neck. He later speculated that the bullet went through the body of the person on top of him, before it entered his mastoid bone just behind and below his left ear. The surgeon later indicated that he thought it was a direct shot.Then the shooter left the room, and they heard shots being fired nearby. Lots of gunshots. Gil motioned a student nearby to get his phone out of his book bag and call 911. The guy retrieved Gil’s phone and dialed and told the police what was happening. It is about 9:25 or so.Gil told us that, “I don’t recall having fear…I only recall praying and thinking about my wife and my sonâ€.Gil and a couple of others strategized, that the best thing to do was to remain in the positions they were in and “play dead†because the shooter was right outside the door and might very well return…so, that’s what they did. Gil was underneath the bleeding student from Indonesia. No talking, nothing was heard from him.Just when they thought the terror might have ended…the shooter comes back in the room! Where are the police, Gil thought…why aren’t they here protecting us? The South Korean student, (23 years old) came back firing at people strewn about the room. 10 shots, or more. Gil recounted that at one point, the shooter was standing right beside where he was lying underneath the Indonesian and felt 3 or 4 more bullets impacting into the body above him. “Thump, thump, thumpâ€â€¦but none seemed to hit Gil…Then the shooter left and shot some more outside (actually across the hall in another classroom) Then SILENCE. Finally, no more shooting.They remained in position for a time and gradually, when the police came, they got up…but only two of the 14 people got up. Only two of them, Gil and his friend named Nathaniel could walk out. Lee, another student was later seen safely outside. The others were either deceased already or badly wounded. At this writing, 11am on the 17th, Gil still doesn’t have a definitive listing of who might have survived. The Professor was killed.The shooter shot himself before the police could engage him.It’s about 9:50 am, by this time, and the police lead Nathaniel, and then Gil, down and out of the building, and into a brown Explorer. They were taken to “triage†there on campus along with the other injured students.Nell-Marie called me at about 10:15 and gave me the unbelievable news. I was watching the report on TV when she called. She was calling to tell us that Gil was ok and not involved, right? Of course…but no, that’s not what Nell-Marie said. “Gil’s alrightâ€, she said, but, “he was right in the middle of it…it was in his classroom.†She had spoken to Gil only minutes before. “But, he’s ok!â€I hung up and dialed Gil’s cell phone. He answered, “Hi, Billyâ€, seeing my caller ID light up. He sounded quite normal. I was relieved. There was noise in the background, but I could hear him clearly…he said that, “I don’t think I was shot, but a bullet grazed my arm and my neckâ€. I’m ok. (actually, the bullet grazed his back and entered the base of his skull, we were to find out…the bullet was still lodged against his mastoid bone in there as we spoke.) So I knew at the outset that he was in the classroom where shooting happened, but nothing else…no more details, until later…then our connection went bad…I redialed and began talking again…Gil said something…â€It was...he….shot…†and then he couldn’t speak…he was unable to get out anything but sobs..I pictured him there with the phone in his hand, trying to imagine what he must have been feeling….â€I’ll be there in two hours!†I said…â€I’ll find Nell-Marie and I’ll see you by one o’clock.†He said, “Okâ€, and we hung up.Nell-Marie learned that they had taken Gil to the Lewis Gale Hospital in Roanoke, by ambulance, along with a Professor, from the triage area on campus. It was too windy for helicopters to fly.I arrived about 1:30, and found Nell-Marie in the emergency room waiting room. She had not yet seen Gil.Momentarily, someone came out to identify us, and Nell-Marie got connected. They took her back to Gil. 20 minutes later, a nurse came out to say that Gil was being X-rayed at that time because there was a bullet still in his head! What? But she assured us that it was not in a dangerous place neurologically and that they might even leave it in there…of course, they took Gil into surgery about 2:30 and removed the bullet..a 9mm slug, in tact and placed a drain in the wound. So by 5:30, Gil was in recovery and wide awake. By 5:40 pm, he was wheeled into room 526, where we got to see him for the first time. He looked ashen, washed out, serious and tired, but remarkably good. He was alert and fully aware of everything.Then he talked and talked, freely giving us every detail. That’s where we learned that he was “saved by the blood†of the Indonesian student.I suggested to Gil that if I were the Dad in Indonesia and found out that my beloved son was killed in this way…I would have so many unanswered questions…I would feel so helpless. I would be comforted to know, perhaps, that you (Gil) survived because of my son’s blood…that my son’s death in some way “saved†or shielded you from that fate. Gil agreed. And, perhaps he will someday get the chance to give his story to the parents from Indonesia.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Done the schoolhouse. At least the hard part is over. I passed my Embraer 145 Second in command proficiency check Wed afternoon. Ive never been so excited as I was that afternoon. The whole process was incredibly stressful, but in the end it was by far the most rewarding feeling Ive ever experienced.
I had some issues at the very end of the syllabus, and had to get some additional training in order to get through to the PC. My biggest problems involved speed control on non precision approaches and the descent from MDA to the runway via the PAPI lights. Papi's, or precision approach path indicators, are lights positioned next to the runway that help to guide a pilot to the runway. they are most useful when on a non precision approach in helping to determine when to start towards the runway. A typical non precision approach will have you out 10 or 12 miles on the localizer(a radio nav aide that keeps you on the extended centerline of the runway). At specific intervals the approach calls for stepdowns. These stepdowns are based on traffic concerns, and most often are based on terrain. For example you will be at 3000 until 10 miles, then go down to 2000 until 6 miles, then to 1500 until 4 miles. At 4 miles you are at your final approach fix, and start the descent to the MDA-minimum decent altitude. The MDA might be as low as 400 feet above the earth. You hold that until you see the runway or reach your missed approach point. AT that point you either "go missed" or land the aircraft. A complicated non precision will really make it tough on you in bad weather.
Anyhow, the ride started with an area departure with a 600 RVR takeoff(low vis). then it was steep turns, and a stall. Then the Autopilot came onfor a coupled ILS and a full missed approach procedure. Once we were on the missed I had an engine fire and had to secure the engine. Then it was back around for a single engine ILS to a full stop. After that we did an aborted takeoff and an engine loss at rotation. He gave me my engine back and it was a non precision to a full stop landing. I didnt do my best flying ever but it was good enough. As always, its a license to learn under a knowledgable captain.
So, i am sitting idle in the hotel waiting for my loft to be scheduled. It is a real line flight in the sim, in real time, with an emergency thrown in for good measure. Its not graded so its a good learning experience.
After I do loft I will get to go home. Been here 7 weeks and I am ready to head home. Then its a wait for IOE---my first chance to fly the real thing.
I had some issues at the very end of the syllabus, and had to get some additional training in order to get through to the PC. My biggest problems involved speed control on non precision approaches and the descent from MDA to the runway via the PAPI lights. Papi's, or precision approach path indicators, are lights positioned next to the runway that help to guide a pilot to the runway. they are most useful when on a non precision approach in helping to determine when to start towards the runway. A typical non precision approach will have you out 10 or 12 miles on the localizer(a radio nav aide that keeps you on the extended centerline of the runway). At specific intervals the approach calls for stepdowns. These stepdowns are based on traffic concerns, and most often are based on terrain. For example you will be at 3000 until 10 miles, then go down to 2000 until 6 miles, then to 1500 until 4 miles. At 4 miles you are at your final approach fix, and start the descent to the MDA-minimum decent altitude. The MDA might be as low as 400 feet above the earth. You hold that until you see the runway or reach your missed approach point. AT that point you either "go missed" or land the aircraft. A complicated non precision will really make it tough on you in bad weather.
Anyhow, the ride started with an area departure with a 600 RVR takeoff(low vis). then it was steep turns, and a stall. Then the Autopilot came onfor a coupled ILS and a full missed approach procedure. Once we were on the missed I had an engine fire and had to secure the engine. Then it was back around for a single engine ILS to a full stop. After that we did an aborted takeoff and an engine loss at rotation. He gave me my engine back and it was a non precision to a full stop landing. I didnt do my best flying ever but it was good enough. As always, its a license to learn under a knowledgable captain.
So, i am sitting idle in the hotel waiting for my loft to be scheduled. It is a real line flight in the sim, in real time, with an emergency thrown in for good measure. Its not graded so its a good learning experience.
After I do loft I will get to go home. Been here 7 weeks and I am ready to head home. Then its a wait for IOE---my first chance to fly the real thing.
Done the schoolhouse. At least the hard part is over. I passed my Embraer 145 Second in command proficiency check Wed afternoon. Ive never been so excited as I was that afternoon. The whole process was incredibly stressful, but in the end it was by far the most rewarding feeling Ive ever experienced.
I had some issues at the very end of the syllabus, and had to get some additional training in order to get through to the PC. My biggest problems involved speed control on non precision approaches and the descent from MDA to the runway via the PAPI lights. Papi's, or precision approach path indicators, are lights positioned next to the runway that help to guide a pilot to the runway. they are most useful when on a non precision approach in helping to determine when to start towards the runway. A typical non precision approach will have you out 10 or 12 miles on the localizer(a radio nav aide that keeps you on the extended centerline of the runway). At specific intervals the approach calls for stepdowns. These stepdowns are based on traffic concerns, and most often are based on terrain. For example you will be at 3000 until 10 miles, then go down to 2000 until 6 miles, then to 1500 until 4 miles. At 4 miles you are at your final approach fix, and start the descent to the MDA-minimum decent altitude. The MDA might be as low as 400 feet above the earth. You hold that until you see the runway or reach your missed approach point. AT that point you either "go missed" or land the aircraft. A complicated non precision will really make it tough on you in bad weather.
Anyhow, the ride started with an area departure with a 600 RVR takeoff(low vis). then it was steep turns, and a stall. Then the Autopilot came onfor a coupled ILS and a full missed approach procedure. Once we were on the missed I had an engine fire and had to secure the engine. Then it was back around for a single engine ILS to a full stop. After that we did an aborted takeoff and an engine loss at rotation. He gave me my engine back and it was a non precision to a full stop landing. I didnt do my best flying ever but it was good enough. As always, its a license to learn under a knowledgable captain.
So, i am sitting idle in the hotel waiting for my loft to be scheduled. It is a real line flight in the sim, in real time, with an emergency thrown in for good measure. Its not graded so its a good learning experience.
After I do loft I will get to go home. Been here 7 weeks and I am ready to head home. Then its a wait for IOE---my first chance to fly the real thing.
I had some issues at the very end of the syllabus, and had to get some additional training in order to get through to the PC. My biggest problems involved speed control on non precision approaches and the descent from MDA to the runway via the PAPI lights. Papi's, or precision approach path indicators, are lights positioned next to the runway that help to guide a pilot to the runway. they are most useful when on a non precision approach in helping to determine when to start towards the runway. A typical non precision approach will have you out 10 or 12 miles on the localizer(a radio nav aide that keeps you on the extended centerline of the runway). At specific intervals the approach calls for stepdowns. These stepdowns are based on traffic concerns, and most often are based on terrain. For example you will be at 3000 until 10 miles, then go down to 2000 until 6 miles, then to 1500 until 4 miles. At 4 miles you are at your final approach fix, and start the descent to the MDA-minimum decent altitude. The MDA might be as low as 400 feet above the earth. You hold that until you see the runway or reach your missed approach point. AT that point you either "go missed" or land the aircraft. A complicated non precision will really make it tough on you in bad weather.
Anyhow, the ride started with an area departure with a 600 RVR takeoff(low vis). then it was steep turns, and a stall. Then the Autopilot came onfor a coupled ILS and a full missed approach procedure. Once we were on the missed I had an engine fire and had to secure the engine. Then it was back around for a single engine ILS to a full stop. After that we did an aborted takeoff and an engine loss at rotation. He gave me my engine back and it was a non precision to a full stop landing. I didnt do my best flying ever but it was good enough. As always, its a license to learn under a knowledgable captain.
So, i am sitting idle in the hotel waiting for my loft to be scheduled. It is a real line flight in the sim, in real time, with an emergency thrown in for good measure. Its not graded so its a good learning experience.
After I do loft I will get to go home. Been here 7 weeks and I am ready to head home. Then its a wait for IOE---my first chance to fly the real thing.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
A year later

Today is the one year anniversary of the passing of my friend David. Its truly amazing how quickly time passes, and how much life can change in a year.
I remember sitting miserably at my desk at the mortgage company and getting an email from another friend informing me that David needed a liver. I knew he had been sick but was unaware that his illness had escalated so rapidly. I remember heading to the hospital after work with a friend and seeing Dave lying there unconscious with extremely labored breathing and a rising fever. Despite efforts beyond comprehension, the medical team at INOVA Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax, VA could not get Dave stabilized.
On March 3, 2006 Dave passed away due to acute liver failure; a side effect of a medicine he had been prescribed for a positive TB test. He will not be forgotten.
A month after Dave passed I was laid off from my work at the mortgage company. It was obvious that I was leaving eventually, but I was hoping to have a couple extra months of income. The way things worked out was uncanny. I immediately started teaching at the flight school. Filled my schedule full of students, and made my way to Florida to fly twins. When I came back all my students were waiting for me. I got my time in my logbook, and got a good job with an airline I am excited to fly for. Timing in this industry is everything, and I cant help to think that Dave had something to do with my brilliant successes.
Ground school has not been easy. I worked about as hard as I could have to learn the material I needed to learn. I passed indoc and systems. Breezed through the FTD's, and am working my way through the sims. For some this has been a struggle, but for me its been not so bad. Dont get me wrong, its been hard, but it has always worked out to this point.
So, on the eve of the biggest checkride of my life.......I dedicate this post and my performance tonite and tommorrow in the sim to Dave. He has been with us all since his passing, and hes been hard at work making the lives of each individual in our circle of friends a little better. He was, is, and always will be a great man, a true friend, and will live on forever in spirit.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sim 3--stage check
My sim partner and I geared up for what would prove to be a hell of a night in the sim. We were on sim 3...its a training gate and we had to pass it in order to move on. If we were unsat we would need to redo the lesson before moving on. As luck would have it I was slated to go first. I settled into the right seat and built my nest. I adjusted the seat and rudder pedals, stowed my flight case and assumed my duties as FO in the sim. We quickly ran through our ground ops and were making a low vis taxi to 22R at Newark. First item on the agenda was a 600 RVR takeoff. No problem, I assumed the centerline, advanced the thrust levers and began the roll. We were soon at 80 knots, then at rotation and I was on the gauges. We popped out the top of the low fog layer and climbed to 5000. It was time for a steep turn to the right. 180 degrees, 45 degrees of bank. Not too tough. My pitchiness and problems holding altitude have seen to diminish. Then it was the stall series. We did a clean stall, takeoff config stall, and landing config. Again, all within the standards set forth.
My instructor then said, if you can do a non precision approach you will move on in the training. thats where the trouble started. I have previously nailed all my approaches. Not this day though. I set up for the localizer to 22l at Newark. We were on vectors, and I was quickly being turned onto the localizer.....I was also handflying the whole thing. It was tough. I got slow, then fast then slow again, missed my stepdowns. I opted to go around and asked for vectors back around for another try. This time I really lost it. Went full scale on the localizer and went around. It was bad news. But, I never gave up. I asked to go back around and tried again. this time, I made it down, went visual, saw the papi lights and made a nice transition to the runway for a full stop landing. I was soaked.....tense......and somehow got it done. But It was a handful.
the rest of the lesson was fun. We did some V1 cuts, then did a single engine ILS. We did a couple aborted takeoffs and ran the QRH for engine and apu fire on the ground, as well as for an emergency evac. Then it was and engine fire in the second segment of the climb. We were between 35 feet and 500 ft agl when the firehandles lit up. We climbed, ran the QRH and secured the engine. The instructor gave us the engine back and then took away our hydraulics. The aircraft uses hydraulics for aileron, rudder, speedbrakes, thrust reversers, nosewheel steering, and brakes. So, our landing was a handful. we did an ils in "manual reversion" hydraulics...heavy airplane. We stopped on the runway by making slight applications of the parking brake. It was interesting.
anyhow, I have today off and its back in the sim tommorrow night for lesson 4. We are slated to fly the DME arc to saltillo mexico. Should be a real handful.
My instructor then said, if you can do a non precision approach you will move on in the training. thats where the trouble started. I have previously nailed all my approaches. Not this day though. I set up for the localizer to 22l at Newark. We were on vectors, and I was quickly being turned onto the localizer.....I was also handflying the whole thing. It was tough. I got slow, then fast then slow again, missed my stepdowns. I opted to go around and asked for vectors back around for another try. This time I really lost it. Went full scale on the localizer and went around. It was bad news. But, I never gave up. I asked to go back around and tried again. this time, I made it down, went visual, saw the papi lights and made a nice transition to the runway for a full stop landing. I was soaked.....tense......and somehow got it done. But It was a handful.
the rest of the lesson was fun. We did some V1 cuts, then did a single engine ILS. We did a couple aborted takeoffs and ran the QRH for engine and apu fire on the ground, as well as for an emergency evac. Then it was and engine fire in the second segment of the climb. We were between 35 feet and 500 ft agl when the firehandles lit up. We climbed, ran the QRH and secured the engine. The instructor gave us the engine back and then took away our hydraulics. The aircraft uses hydraulics for aileron, rudder, speedbrakes, thrust reversers, nosewheel steering, and brakes. So, our landing was a handful. we did an ils in "manual reversion" hydraulics...heavy airplane. We stopped on the runway by making slight applications of the parking brake. It was interesting.
anyhow, I have today off and its back in the sim tommorrow night for lesson 4. We are slated to fly the DME arc to saltillo mexico. Should be a real handful.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Final push
With only 6 training sessions left before my EMB-145 SIC checkride the heat is most definitely on. Ive spent the last 5 days learning procedures in the non motion flight training device(FTD). The "box" was great for learning flows, procedures, and profiles. I have to admit that in the fully air conditioned room, I left there sweating each and every night....a literal sweat stain on the back of my shirt. Intense stuff.
We passed the stage check last night with an 8 year captain. The check focused on checklists and flows, abnormal engine start procedures, PRM approach procedures, and non precision approach profiles--both with and without the autopilot. We had our work cutout for us.
The PRM stands for precision runway monitor. When there are two runways in use closer than the minimum prescribed lateral distance, the FAA has made a legal way for approaches to both runways to proceed. A zone of no transgression has been established, and a monitor frequency has been set up that all pilots are to monitor(in addition to the normal tower freq). If either aircraft enters the no transgression zone the tower issues the non-offending aircraft "breakout instructions". It was an interesting excercise.
The non precision approaches were alot more interesting. the first was done via the autopilot. Not much problem there. The second was handflown. That was alot tougher. With multiple stepdowns on the localizer approach the workload was high. We managed.
Handflying the ERJ is much different than what I am used to. It is much heavier and a hell of alot faster. The roll and pitch of the aircraft has a slight lag to it. They say that the FTD is much harder than both the sim and the actual aircraft, so I am hoping my handflying skills get better as I go on. I have mastered the automation, but my handflying skills worry me. We will see.
Ive got 12 hours to get it right.
We passed the stage check last night with an 8 year captain. The check focused on checklists and flows, abnormal engine start procedures, PRM approach procedures, and non precision approach profiles--both with and without the autopilot. We had our work cutout for us.
The PRM stands for precision runway monitor. When there are two runways in use closer than the minimum prescribed lateral distance, the FAA has made a legal way for approaches to both runways to proceed. A zone of no transgression has been established, and a monitor frequency has been set up that all pilots are to monitor(in addition to the normal tower freq). If either aircraft enters the no transgression zone the tower issues the non-offending aircraft "breakout instructions". It was an interesting excercise.
The non precision approaches were alot more interesting. the first was done via the autopilot. Not much problem there. The second was handflown. That was alot tougher. With multiple stepdowns on the localizer approach the workload was high. We managed.
Handflying the ERJ is much different than what I am used to. It is much heavier and a hell of alot faster. The roll and pitch of the aircraft has a slight lag to it. They say that the FTD is much harder than both the sim and the actual aircraft, so I am hoping my handflying skills get better as I go on. I have mastered the automation, but my handflying skills worry me. We will see.
Ive got 12 hours to get it right.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Entering week 5, the heat is up and the pace is high. Training consists of 4 phases. The first week was basic indoc.....blah. After you take and pass the indoc exam, you start systems for the aircraft. Everything from powerplant, to landing gear, to pnematics and are expected to know about by the end. There is no spoonfeeding here. You are expected to read the manuals they give you, and use the slides in class as a guide for what to study. I would estimate a 70/30 self taught to classroom ratio of information. It has been intense. At the end of systems another test is taken. This is a much harder test than indoc. Anything in the manuals is fair game.
There has been a strong initiative in the training department here to up the bar for systems knowledge by new hires. Our class was the first to receive a new and improved version of the test. Half the class didnt pass(with an 80). Most were within a point or two so they retrained the guys and they all passed on the second try.(diff test). Well, we warned the guys in the class after us to study hard, yet they still managed to fail 6 guys. Alot of guys are being hired in the regionals with low times and dont realize what it takes to get through training. The mindest isnt there to study hard and not go out, etc. Guys come here expecting a vacation of sorts. That is about the furthest thing from what its like.
Anyways, After systems you get into the FTD. Its a real cockpit with working avionics and flight controls. It doesnt move and there are no visuals so its a good way to learn procedures and how to fly the autopilot. After the FTD, you go into the full motion sim. Thats where you learn to fly the airplane for real. I am just a few ftd sessions from getting into the sim. I cant wait.
My advice for anyone going to airline training for the first time:
1) expect to work hard
2)dont even think about going out have plenty to do with that free time
3)do not get involved in politics between staff and students. Take care of yourself and you will be better off
4)get to know your classmates. We have a tight knit class and its proved invaluable for study groups, moral support, sanity.
5)read whatever they give you to read. What you need to know is in there.
6)Keep the focus and pressure on for the duration you are there....Its hard to do and some lose focus towards the end and is an endurance a marathon.
Just some advice from someone in week 5 of a 6 week training course. Hope this helps someone.
There has been a strong initiative in the training department here to up the bar for systems knowledge by new hires. Our class was the first to receive a new and improved version of the test. Half the class didnt pass(with an 80). Most were within a point or two so they retrained the guys and they all passed on the second try.(diff test). Well, we warned the guys in the class after us to study hard, yet they still managed to fail 6 guys. Alot of guys are being hired in the regionals with low times and dont realize what it takes to get through training. The mindest isnt there to study hard and not go out, etc. Guys come here expecting a vacation of sorts. That is about the furthest thing from what its like.
Anyways, After systems you get into the FTD. Its a real cockpit with working avionics and flight controls. It doesnt move and there are no visuals so its a good way to learn procedures and how to fly the autopilot. After the FTD, you go into the full motion sim. Thats where you learn to fly the airplane for real. I am just a few ftd sessions from getting into the sim. I cant wait.
My advice for anyone going to airline training for the first time:
1) expect to work hard
2)dont even think about going out have plenty to do with that free time
3)do not get involved in politics between staff and students. Take care of yourself and you will be better off
4)get to know your classmates. We have a tight knit class and its proved invaluable for study groups, moral support, sanity.
5)read whatever they give you to read. What you need to know is in there.
6)Keep the focus and pressure on for the duration you are there....Its hard to do and some lose focus towards the end and is an endurance a marathon.
Just some advice from someone in week 5 of a 6 week training course. Hope this helps someone.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Week 2
Week two behind us.....thank god. Couple of things about training. All you have to worry about is going to class and studying.....but then again all you have to worry about is going to class and studying. My point is that there isnt much time here for doing anything outside of the classroom or the books. For me the hardest part has been being a prisoner at the hotel and the training center. I am sneaking out for a jog at night but other than that I have been in my room with a book in my lap.
The beginning of the week was CRM. We looked at several airline crashes and determined the crews roles in the disasters. Pretty interesting stuff.
Wed we started systems training. All I have to say is....this plane is way too smart. Its friggin badass. So far we have looked at the electrics and the powerplant. I will have two rolls royce AE3007 engines at my disposal...producing a combined thrust of over 10000 lbs. The electrics are a mind of their own. The electrical distribution logic is the brain of the operation and is the final authority over whether a particular configuration will work. I cant really get into specifics because its so complicated, but take my word when I tell you that I never dreamt Id get to fly something so badass. The powerplant is nice too. A high ratio bypass turbofan engine with a whole lotta beef behind it. The aircraft has so many failsafes built into ever system, that anyone who flies commercially should feel pretty safe about it. Even human error is cut down by the fact that the airplane just wont let you do it sometimes. Pretty my instructor says...brazilian magic.
Ive got one more week of systems. The final written exam is on Monday next week, then its into the flight training device for 10 days of training, and then the sims. I am scheduled to fly the aircraft for the first time Mar 10. Its looking like Newark as my base, which is a-ok with me.
For all the hype systems gets, I am doing surprisingly well. they boast a firehose style of teaching, but I am retaining everything with little or no problem.
The beginning of the week was CRM. We looked at several airline crashes and determined the crews roles in the disasters. Pretty interesting stuff.
Wed we started systems training. All I have to say is....this plane is way too smart. Its friggin badass. So far we have looked at the electrics and the powerplant. I will have two rolls royce AE3007 engines at my disposal...producing a combined thrust of over 10000 lbs. The electrics are a mind of their own. The electrical distribution logic is the brain of the operation and is the final authority over whether a particular configuration will work. I cant really get into specifics because its so complicated, but take my word when I tell you that I never dreamt Id get to fly something so badass. The powerplant is nice too. A high ratio bypass turbofan engine with a whole lotta beef behind it. The aircraft has so many failsafes built into ever system, that anyone who flies commercially should feel pretty safe about it. Even human error is cut down by the fact that the airplane just wont let you do it sometimes. Pretty my instructor says...brazilian magic.
Ive got one more week of systems. The final written exam is on Monday next week, then its into the flight training device for 10 days of training, and then the sims. I am scheduled to fly the aircraft for the first time Mar 10. Its looking like Newark as my base, which is a-ok with me.
For all the hype systems gets, I am doing surprisingly well. they boast a firehose style of teaching, but I am retaining everything with little or no problem.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
week 1
Pretty good week. Week one of training is behind me. It consisted of Basic indoc, which is basically policies and procedures for the company. Pretty dry material, but we are required to take a written test at the end of it so I had to pay attention. Passed the written yesterday with a high grade, so now its on to CRM training. We have the weekend off, but Mon and tuesday will be spent examining how crew resource management has failed and succeeded by examining past accidents. Should be interesting.
There are 16 people in the class. Average age is around 26, and I think I am the only guy from the mid atlantic/east coast.
Systems starts on Wed. I will be up to my ears in fuel and electric systems. Have to pass my systems exam before I get to go on to the FTD and Sim. Gotta stay focused and keep working day at a time.
There are 16 people in the class. Average age is around 26, and I think I am the only guy from the mid atlantic/east coast.
Systems starts on Wed. I will be up to my ears in fuel and electric systems. Have to pass my systems exam before I get to go on to the FTD and Sim. Gotta stay focused and keep working day at a time.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Only a few days till I start training and Ive gotta say I have never been this excited about anything......ever. All the arrangements are in place and I am chomping at the bit to get rolling. I have my flows down for the most part, and am absolutely confident that I will be successful in training. The sequence for training is about 2 weeks in ground school to learn systems, company policy, and other "stuff" that they feel we need to know...then its into the FTD and eventually into the SIM, where its really gonna get fun. Ill keep you posted.
Friday, January 12, 2007
With about a week or so left as a flight instructor(at least an active one) I am trying to tie up loose ends, figure out where my guys are gonna go, and at the same time make some money. so much to be done. I was scheduled for what probably would amount to around 30 hours of flying in the next week. After perusing the local forecasts for the weekend it looks as though only about a 3rd of that will take place. Rain is forecast for the entire area for Sat and Sunday. I am slated to fly a student of mine down to KFCI(near Richmond) on Sat to pick his father up. They have tickets to the Indy Baltimore game so the flight has to take place. The agreement was that we will go IFR if we need to, and we will use it as a lesson in IFR flying if the clouds arent too low. We are also using the experience for him to knock out some x-c time towards the 50 hrs of PIC x-c needed for the instrument rating. He also needs 10 hours of dual in the arrow before he can rent it. So, three birds with one stone....not bad.
So, looks as though the weekend wont be as nuts as I had hoped for, but should be productive nonetheless.
And oh yeah, I passed 1300 total time yesterday in the pattern at Hagerstown Regional. Another milestone.
So, looks as though the weekend wont be as nuts as I had hoped for, but should be productive nonetheless.
And oh yeah, I passed 1300 total time yesterday in the pattern at Hagerstown Regional. Another milestone.
Lots to do before I head out of town on the 21st.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Cleared direct Mehan
Flew with my instrument student the other night. We hadnt flown in a couple weeks so we figured an easy IFR trip somewhere would be in order, with approaches at both ends. We departed Leesburg at night, under clear skies and pretty heavy winds aloft. Our clearance was direct Still, Martinsburg, v 166 to Westminster VOR, direct Martin State. Martin State is a Class Delta airfield about 15-20 miles north of Baltimore/BWI. We were treated to a nice tailwind on the way up there. Winds from 240 at around 40 knots at 3000 ft. My student and I were hoping for an ILS approach at Martin, however when we checked in with the Approach controller he advised that we could expect vectors to the visual approach at Martin. I requested the ILS, however the ILS was out of service. We opted for a localizer approach into the airport from the NW. "you can expect the Localizer 15 at Martin..." were our instructions. It was soon direct Mehan intersection, and to cross Mehan at 2600, cleared localizer 15 approach. Those that know me, know why this approach was so unique. Specifically the initial approach fix that we were cleared direct.
I suppose with the number of fixes out there the odds were in my favor that Id have one named after me........
I suppose with the number of fixes out there the odds were in my favor that Id have one named after me........
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